Christmas Party

Created by Gill 8 years ago
I remember going to the URS Christmas Party at the bar near Café Royal (can't recall if it was 2014 or 2013, I think it was 2013). For some reason that we never discovered, Paul had control of the vouchers for free drinks. We were only supposed to get one each. Needless to say he was loving it. He was soooo popular! He was handing them out like Smarties to his favourites. I am proud to say that I was counted as one of them.

Paul was one of the most generous, kind hearted people that I ever knew even if he annoyed the hell out of me sometimes. I did spend a lot of time shouting at him, but I could never stay angry with him. He always reminded me of the big old puppy who would come in, tail wagging, create havoc and turn round and look at you as if to say 'What me? Did I do that?'

I will miss him and his exuberant personality. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to his family and friends - he will leave behind a very large hole.